Card Counting Books and DVDs.

Cellini, the author of The Card Counter’s Guide to Casino Surveillance, explains a lot of the secrets you need to know if you’re going to remain undetected when counting cards in a casino.

This book is definitely not for the blackjack beginner. It is written by an experienced casino surveillance employee and is directed at experienced card counters. You can get this book at Amazon here.

What does the Blackjack Spy have to say about this Cellini and The Card Counter’s Guide to Casino Surveillance?

“Cellini was my inspiration. I read this book a few years after I started my work in the casinos and I loved it.”

Other readers had this to say:

“Money well spent.” “Great read and a must for any blackjack player.” I can happily say I have not been backed off a table since reading this book”

Quotes shortened for space and uniqueness. Read full reviews here.


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