Card Counting Books and DVDs.

Olaf Vancura and Ken Fuchs, the authors of Knock-Out Blackjack: The Easiest Card-Counting System Ever Devised, have come up with a very powerful card counting system and they make it easy to understand in this book.
The system described in Knock Out Blackjack is called the K-O count and it eliminates the need for a true count conversion. Beginners might find this book a little overwhelming, but a card counter looking to keep the edge without having to work hard at the tables will find it indispensable. You can get this book at Amazon here.

What does the Blackjack Spy say about Knock Out Blackjack?

“The count system explained in this book is truly one of the best. But, in my experience, it’s one of the least used, which makes it more powerful because casinos and card rooms aren’t on the lookout for it specifically.”

Other readers had this to say:

John S.
“I think a lot can be said for the fact that, because the K-O is so simple, it may work more efficiently than even more advanced count systems.”
Review re-written for space and uniqueness. Read full review here.

“Forget about hi/lo. Knock-Out doesn’t need to keep a true count. After practicing for a month, I am undefeated at the tables.”
Review re-written for space and uniqueness. Read full review here.

Michael M.
“K-O Blackjack is a mathematically sound counting system which involves much less effort and study than even the Hi-Lo system. Highly recommended!”
Review re-written for space and uniqueness. Read full review here.


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